Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journal 9 - "Taming the Chaos" NETS-T 2

Johnson, Doug. "Taming the Chaos ." Learning and Leading with Technology 38.3 (2010): 20-3. Web. 8 Dec 2010. <>.

This article discussed the issue that educators have with students when they use their personal technologies in the classroom during instruction time. Johnson noted that while these technologies can be a big distraction in the classroom, banning them altogether is not the best idea. Instead why not have the students use these technologies in a way that enhances their learning and keeps them engaged. 

Question #1: How can student who live in low income areas participate in the same kind of online communities when they might not have access to a computer at home or or at school? 
Students that come from low income families and neighborhoods could go to the public library and use the computers, though teachers would need to give ample time to complete these assignments. Enough time would be needed to ensure that every student had more than one opportunity to get on to a computer. 

Question #2: Why is it important to change the model of education at all by the integration of technology?
It is important to change the way we view technology in education because the internet is becoming a  rapidly growing source of information and a way of communicating with others. If we as educators continue to ignore these advancements that have happened since education was created we will soon find our education structures worthless. They would be considered worthless because we would not be prepping out students with the proper knowledge to be successful in this day and age. Change needs to occur so the whole education system does not fall apart. 

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